Global Impact Investor database is an active, continuously updated listing of organizations and individuals who are engaged with making the world a better place for everyone through impact investing.
Leverage the power of both AI and user generated content to identify mission-aligned investors that can serve as sources of funding, co-investment and technical expertise.
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Artha is not a registered broker-dealer and does not offer investment advice or advise on the raising of capital through securities offerings. Artha does not recommend or otherwise suggest that any investor make an investment in a particular company, or that any company offer securities to a particular investor. Artha takes no part in the negotiation or execution of transactions for the purchase or sale of securities, and at no time has possession of funds or securities. No securities transactions are executed or negotiated on or through the Artha platform. Artha receives no compensation in connection with the purchase or sale of securities. Impact Organizations are not necessarily seeking funding at the time you are accessing the Website. By using this website you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy.
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